Discover My Portfolio:
Delivering Impactful Results

Discover My Portfolio:
Delivering Impactful Results

UI/UX Design Showcase

Designing UI/UX for Website and Mobile App

UI/UX Design Showcase

Designing UI/UX for Website and Mobile App

UI/UX Design Showcase

Designing UI/UX for Website and Mobile App

Interactive Dashboard Showcase

Crafting Interactive Data Dashboard

Interactive Dashboard Showcase

Crafting Interactive Data Dashboard

Interactive Dashboard Showcase

Crafting Interactive Data Dashboard

Successfully reduced the frequency of finding patrols that were still open by 61.5%; Achieved LTIFR (Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate); and reducing the risk of work accidents since August 2021
Successfully reduced the frequency of finding patrols that were still open by 61.5%; Achieved LTIFR (Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate); and reducing the risk of work accidents since August 2021
Successfully reduced the frequency of finding patrols that were still open by 61.5%; Achieved LTIFR (Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate); and reducing the risk of work accidents since August 2021